What I Learnt after Moving Overseas?

I was born and bought up in Mumbai; India After four years of marriage had plans of moving overseas; Germany with our 6 month old. I was excited and little nervous but did landed safely in Germany. Now, it is been more than two years we are here and below are the few things which I have learnt; few of them in hard way.

Nothing is Impossible

Now that I was out of my comfort zone; I did realise my real potential. Things which seemed to be impossible earlier were now just difficult and possible. Travelling alone with a 6 month old, settling in a new house with a baby and similar things were no more impossible tasks, just required little little planning.

Baby is not an Obstacle

I realised baby is not an obstacle for parents to do anything; be it travel, study or career. You just need to plan things and be baby proofed. If you want to go on hiking with a 8 month old; yes you can; you just need the right baby gear. I did study again when my kid was 17 months old and we did many other things which I saw in India my relatives did not saying; baby is small we cannot go out to restaurants or even a small outing.

People are alike all around

The normal saying of people back in India was; foreigners have no feelings, and attachments towards each other. Stop! People are all same; they too have emotions; and are social animals. Yes, it is common to wear short clothes here in summer but that does not define a character of a girl here; unlike in India. The climate demands so and any girl is stalked she does take action even in a foreign land.  

Age is just the number

I keep hearing my in-laws, parents and other relatives who have crossed 50 years as “Now whatever we live is a bonus” or “This is not our age to do certain things” and many such notions. Here I see people in their 60’s and 70’s enjoy their life the way they want. They just say we are free now and healthy this is “The Time.” It somehow gives me an impression that Indians just want to follow one cycle (birth, study, marriage, kids, become in laws, see grandkids). Once this cycle is done; they say we have seen everything.

Importance of Hobbies

We did have hobby lessons in school times; however, it is very difficult to get some time for hobby especially in the fast life of Mumbai. We are over burdened with socials in most of which we are not interested, have festivals all round the year and rest of the time we spent in travelling and traffic (thanks to the potholes). The peaceful life here gives you an opportunity to cultivate your hobbies thus leading to peace of mind and house.

More than Indian Family Drama

Admit it we have hell lot of family drama in India. Most of the social gatherings people are just back biting each other; she did this, he did not follow his dad, they are living alone, why did she not call me before you and the list is endless. Give me a break! When you are away from these things you definitely have peace and you can think far better things. 
