When we talk about maps; the first thing that comes to
our mind is to buy an Atlas and sit with the kid to teach them. How interesting
is Atlas? If you ask me; It’s “Boring.” I neither found it interesting as a kid
nor do I find it now. My almost 3 year old kid taught me interesting map skills. I admit my almost 3 year daughter knows more countries on map then
me. At this age; she points out atleast 10 countries on map and is curious to
know more. Now how did this happen?
We then bought a kids world map where the countries are separated
from each other with bright colors and what was the result? Her curiosity increased
and now she knows more than 10 countries on map. Of course if I had done the
same thing with an Atlas would have been boring.
So my suggestion to parents who want to teach maps to
kids is just get a map stick on a wall at kid’s eyelevel and start talking
about different countries while pointing it on the map. You do not need to sit
and teach them but just have a conversation with other family
members in front
of your kids and then see the curiosity within your kid. Needless to say a map with flags is an added advantage.
This is definitely an old school method where no apps are
used but it works wonders. All I can say is kids are definitely fast and eager
learners; we just need to guide them. Happy touring!!
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