The new born is ready to pop out. Along with the excitement
the mother; especially the first time mom also has many things in mind. She is
nervous, tensed, and happy. A mom always has too many things in her basket;
right from the child is born. To make things easy I have compiled a small list
of things that are required in the first few days after the baby is born.
First and most important thing you need to have is “Patience.”The
other things if forgotten could be ordered online immediately; but Patience. This
is very important to start your new journey; and this has to just increase with
time. Also, keep cool when you have the never seeing neighbor visiting you and
giving her expert advice. Just close your eyes and relax. Your hormones are
already playing a big role so instead of closing their mouth; shut your ears.
Apart from the above two; here is the list:
§ Diapers
or Nappi Pads for new born; just get one packet at the beginning as you are not
sure if the brand will suit the baby
§ 8-9 clothes
for swaddling (preferably cotton clothes; or you can buy swaddling bags
§ 8-10
cotton bodies or jumpsuits; half or full sleeves as per the season
§ 3-4
pairs of mittens; pullovers and caps if required as per the season
§ Wet
§ Diaper
rash cream
§ Baby
§ Baby
§ Baby
body wash or soap (for hygienic reasons; it is good to use body wash)
§ Baby
powder as well as Neosporin (it is used to sprinkle on umbical cord; Ideally it
is not recommended to use other baby powders; however as per the climatic
conditions you would have to take a call)
§ Dustbin
for used diapers and sufficient garbage bags
§ Feeding
pillow (it gives you comfort while feeding)
§ Formula
Milk; just buy one packet of it; this would be used in case you produce less
milk in first few days.
§ Bottle
for top feed; this might be required for first few days when you are still not
lactating or if you plan to give pumped milk.
§ Breast
Pump; you can opt for electronic of manual (incase you plan to pump milk and
give; very useful for 2 time mommies)
§ Pacifier;
if you want to introduce them to at this early stage (Personally; it is good to
have a pacifier after 3-4 months)
§ 4-5
Dry sheets to change the diapers
§ Cot/Craddle
along with a baby mattress and pillow
§ Baby
§ Massage
cloth; do not use old clothes for babies as there are high chances of infection
§ Mosquito
Net; if you are living in areas with mosquitoes
§ Baby
§ Baby
§ Few
rattles and toys
To all the mommies out there; All the best!
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